Eye See Security


Our Mission


To achieve success and respect by providing outstanding, uncompromising and an effective quality Security service.


To be the preferred supplier of Security services to businesses and make a commitment to conduct our business with discretion, honesty and integrity - for our people, our clients, our community and our stakeholders.


RESPECT: We strive to value and treat everyone fairly. We believe that a feeling of mutual respect inspires trust, confidence and open communication.

INTEGRITY: We value honesty, great ethics and take pride in what we do. We believe in setting  high standards and moral conduct while going about our daily work commitments.

ACCOUNTABILITY: We are prepared to deal with anticipated or unforeseen challenges and opportunities while ensuring contract compliance. We rake full responsibility for our work and accept consequences of our actions and choices. Our state of being accountable and answerable leads us to: Achieve our goals; Continuous improvement; Transparency and overall good governance.

QUALITY: Our relationship with quality is non-negotiable. We believe in striving for excellence and effective and efficient security services. We are always on the look-out for innovation and embrace constructive changes.